Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"Wow, What a Ride!": The Euthanasia Coaster

Have you heard about this idea for a unique form of assisted suicide?  (I consider it to be "assisted" because obviously one couldn't create one's own personal coaster in the backyard):

I'm of two minds about this one.  I think it's a wonderful and unique idea for those who love roller coasters and who want to enjoy one last "wild ride" before moving on.  But I can foresee some HUGE problems for whoever runs it, including insurance issues, anti-euthanasia protestors, family members wanting to sue, etc.  And what about price?  Would this be made available to people of all incomes, or only those who can afford to spend a lot of money?  Then, after it's all over, who takes care of the body?  And most important of all, what if it doesn't cause death by the end of the ride, what then??  So many things to think about in advance!

This got me to wondering what other kinds of options could be made available.  I can't think of any, but what about you?  Do you have an idea for an awesome way to go?


  1. I hate rollercoasters so this is not for me! I want death by Hiddleston! :P

    1. I couldn't agree more with the "I hate rollercoasters" part! But what on earth is Hiddleston?? Please elaborate; inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Surely if someone can come up with this option someone else could come up with something a bit less radical and perhaps more pleasant.

    1. I have to agree, as I personally would definitely prefer something more pleasant and relaxing. Hmmm, I just had a thought... What about a "sleeping death" in a field of poppies, like in 'The Wizard of Oz'? Definitely more pleasant than a rollercoaster ride!

  3. Maybe a Poe themed chamber of horrors? Real pit and pendulum? Premature burial? It would be a very obscure taste, dont know if anyone would choose it! I cannot think of a pleasant way to go, only ridiculous obscure ways.... real life spy game with real bullets... I am rather excessively morbid!

    1. I'll pass on the Poe suggestions, thanks just the same! The premature burial idea might not be so bad if we were buried in lavish tombs like the ancient Egyptians and didn't actually have to get into the coffin until we wanted to, but I wouldn't want to be just shut into a tiny coffin and buried while still breathing, too claustrophobic!

  4. We have discussed this in length, the spouse and I. So far, it's either hiking into the woods with a backpack full of bacon (Death by Bear), or having a few cocktails then going for a midnight swim in the creek in the dead of winter (Death by Hypothermia). I'm leaning towards the latter ... seems less messy. ;)

    1. Oh, I like the Hypothermia one!! Now that is something I might be able to handle. Half a glass of wine would normally put my head in the salad, so a full glass while sitting outside in the snow at night under the moon while listening to some great music might just do the trick!

      Think I'll skip the Death by Bear, though. I like bacon just waaayyy too much, I'd probably end up fighting him for it! ;-)

  5. It's an interesting idea, but it would probably pose problems for people suffering with diseases that cause chronic pain. If it hurts just to walk, or move or breathe, imagine being thrown around by a roller coaster! Or would the euphoria and oxygen starvation numb the pain?

    1. That's a very good point. If I were in that situation and decided to use this as my way out, I think I would max out on painkillers, just to make sure I was either as euphoric or as stoned as possible!
