Hi, there... I haven't been posting much lately, mainly because I've been too exhausted both mentally and physically. Spending half my weekends this year at my mom's house taking care of things was NOT easy. Even though she's back home now, I've discovered that I apparently went into "Mom Mode" during the year, and because her mother never acted much like a mom, I think she is enjoying the feeling, even though I doubt she is actually conscious of it. So now it's time to turn off the "Mom" button and get back to my normal "my child is now an adult and therefore I don't need to mother anyone" space.
So... Monday night I finally got to see a goth band live! One of my favorites, The Birthday Massacre, was playing at Slim's in San Francisco. I bought the tickets before Halloween, just to make sure I didn't back out due to anxiety, which has been a bad habit of mine that I've discussed in previous posts.
The opening band was The Red Paintings, a group from Australia. They were pretty good, we enjoyed them, and the lead singer was pretty funny between songs, although he dropped a slight overabundance of F-bombs. They actually have local artists on stage with them, creating original artwork while they are playing; it was interesting to watch the art "grow" on stage!
The next band was called New Year's Day. My mother always said that if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all, so I won't. Except that the lead singer dropped even MORE F-bombs than the other guy, only she wasn't funny at all.
Then The Birthday Massacre came on. Awesome show!! They are just as good live as they are on their studio CDs. And Chibi, the lead singer, is funny, lovely and gracious. An added plus: NOT ONE F-bomb from her the entire time they were onstage. The whole set was upbeat, and people were finally dancing, whereas most had not done so during the first two sets. I wish they didn't live in Canada; apparently they last toured the U.S. a few years ago. We need them here more often!!! (Certainly more often than we need Justin Bieber...)

The Birthday Massacre
I had a fantastic time!! I danced through most of the first set, ALL of Birthday Massacre's set, and through a fair amount of the recorded music they played before and in between sets. I was probably the most trad goth there, wearing a DIY-altered skeleton t-shirt, a floor-length black studded skirt, my 4-inch Demonia platforms, fishnets, and a long black velvet coat. And as far as I could tell, I was the ONLY one there wearing a spiked collar! Errrr, where did all the trad goths go??? We saw one or two people we've seen at Death Guild, but a LOT of the patrons didn't even look particularly goth, although many were wearing black. And I couldn't see any platform boots, except for mine. Oh, well, I didn't care, I was dressing for myself, anyway. And no one could question my right to carry a Goth Card, heheh... ;-)
Just writing this has improved my sucky mood immensely. Now to get back to work; they expect me to do that here once in a while.
Have a great week/weekend, and I plan on posting more of my regular stuff in the very near future. Oh, and I was totally serious several posts back about learning to play the bass. I finally found some music books for bass online and ordered them! So very soon you may be hearing some truly odd noises on this blog... ;-)