Sunday, April 10, 2016

April: "I'm SO Goth..."

This COULD actually be me.  If you saw my t-shirt collection these days, you'd understand...


  1. Oh I understand. There's midnight black, twilight black, fade-to-grey black, washed out black, band tee shirt from 1989 black, indiscriminate shade of black that matches no other back you have on a hanger black...

    So?! What shade of black will I be wearing today?!

    1. EXACTLY!! I've got about 20 black t-shirts, and I don't think any two are the same shade of black! It's definitely a challenge finding the right shade each day. Sigh...

  2. Gotta say, I get a bit fussy when my blacks don't match exactly. It really is a goth thing.

    1. I TOTALLY get it. Even witches aren't as picky as goths about blacks matching!!

  3. I actually finally had the blacks not matching thing recently I was pretty excited ha ha!

  4. LOL yes, yes, yes, every day *lol* but does this add goth points? Would have thought it would be better if all blacks were black enough to be black instead of black with a hint of whatever color hiding inside ^^

    1. Absolutely it does! While it would indeed be better if all blacks were the same black, since they are not, extra points are awarded to those who take the time to make sure all their blacks match. That is one of the jobs of the goth police, of course... ;-)
